4.3 Forecasting frontal clouds and weather


Evaluate surface and upper level synoptic data in the analysis of frontal clouds and weather.

Cloud and weather regimes most difficult to forecast are those associated with cyclogenesis. It is well known that falling pressure, precipitation, and an expanding shield of middle clouds indicate that the cyclogenetic process is occurring and, by following these indications, successful forecasts can often be made for 6 to 48 hours in advance. Most of the winter precipitation of the lowlands in the middle latitudes is chiefly cyclonic or frontal in origin, though convection is involved when the displaced air mass is unstable. Cyclones are important generators of precipitation in the Tropics as well as in midlatitudes.
Factors to be considered in arriving at an accurate forecast are listed below; these factors are not listed in any order of importance:

  • The source region of the parent air mass.

  • Nature of the underlying surface.

  • The type and slope of the front(s).

  • Wind and contour patterns aloft.

  • Past speed and direction of movement of the low or front(s).

  • Familiarization with the normal weather patterns.

As pointed out earlier, a thorough understanding of the physical processes by which precipitation develops and spreads is essential to an accurate forecast.


There are unique cloud and precipitation features and characteristics associated with the cold and warm fronts, as well as orographic barriers. The following text discusses these features and characteristics. Cold Front

You will find it helpful to use constant pressure charts in conjunction with the surface synoptic situation in forecasting cold frontal cloudiness and precipitation.

When the contours at the 700-hPa level are perpendicular to the surface cold front, the band of weather associated with the front is narrow.

This situation occurs with a fast-moving front. 

If the front is slow moving, the weather and precipitation will extend as far to the rear of the front as the winds at the 700- hPa level are parallel to the front. 

In both of the above cases, the flow at 700 hPa also indicates the slope of the front. Since the front at the 700-hPa level lies near the trough line, it is apparent that when the flow at 700 hPa is perpendicular to the surface front, the 700-hPa trough is very nearly above the surface trough; hence, the slope of the front is very steep. 

When the 700-hPa flow is parallel to the surface front, the 700-hPa trough lies to the rear of the surface front and beyond the region in which the flow continues parallel to the front.

Consequently, the frontal slope is more gradual, and lifting is continuing between the surface and the 700- hPa level at some distance to the rear of the surface front.

Another factor that contributes to the distribution of cloudiness and precipitation is the curvature of the flow aloft above the front. Cyclonic flow is associated with horizontal convergence, and anticyclonic flow is associated with horizontal divergence.

Very little weather is associated with a cold front if the mean isotherms are perpendicular to the front.

When the mean isotherms are parallel to the front, weather will occur with the front. This principle is associated with the contrast of the two air masses; hence, with the effectiveness of lifting.

Satellite imagery provides a representative picture of the cloud structure of frontal systems. Active cold fronts appear as continuous, well-developed cloud bands composed of low, middle, and high clouds. This is caused by the upper wind flow, which is parallel, or nearly parallel, to the frontal zone (fig. 4-5).

The perpendicular component of the upper winds associated with the inactive cold front causes the cloud bands to appear as narrow, fragmented, or discontinuous. The band of clouds is comprised mainly of low-level cumulus and stratiform clouds, but some cirriform may be present. Occasionally, inactive cold fronts over water will have the same appearance as active fronts over land, while overland they may have few or no clouds present. Figure 4-6 depicts the fragmented clouds associated with an inactive cold front in the lower portion, while a more active cold front cloud presentation is shown in the upper portion. Warm Front

As with cold fronts, the use of constant pressure charts in conjunction with the surface synoptic situation is helpful in forecasting warm-frontal cloudiness and precipitation.

Cloudiness and precipitation occur where the 700- hPa flow across the warm front is from the warm air to the cold air, and is moving in a cyclonic path or in a straight line. 

This implies convergence associated with the cyclonic curvature. 

Warm fronts are accompanied by no weather and few clouds if the 700- hPa flow above them is anticyclonic. This is due to horizontal divergence associated with anticyclonic curvature.

The 700-hPa ridge line ahead of a warm front may be considered the forward limit of the prewarm frontal cloudiness. The sharper the ridge line, the more accurate the rule.

When the slope of the warm front is gentle near the surface position, and is steep several hundred miles to the north, the area of precipitation is situated in the region where the slope is steep. There may be no precipitation just ahead of the surface frontal position.

Warm fronts are difficult to locate on satellite imagery. An active warm front maybe associated with a well organized cloud band, but the frontal zone is difficult to locate. An active warm front maybe placed somewhere under the bulge of clouds that are associated with the peak of the warm sector of a frontal system. The clouds are a combination of stratiform and cumuliform beneath a cirriform covering. See figure 4-7.

You must remember that no one condition represents what could be called typical, as each front presents a different situation with respect to the air masses involved. Therefore, each front must be treated as a separate case, by using present indications, geographical location, stability of the air masses, moisture content, and intensity of the front to determine its precipitation characteristics. Orographic Barriers

In general, an orographic barrier increases the extent and duration of cloudiness and precipitation on the windward side, and decreases it on the leeward side.


If an air mass is lifted over an orographic barrier, and the lifting is sufficient for the air to reach its lifting condensation level, cloudiness of the convective type occurs. If the air is convectively unstable and has sufficient moisture, showers or thunderstorms occur. The preceding situations occur on the windward side of the barrier.

Curvature (path of movement) of the flow aloft also affects the occurrence of cloudiness and precipitation. In a cool air mass, showers and cumulus and stratocumulus clouds are found in those portions of the air mass that are moving in a cyclonically curved path. In a warm air mass, cloudiness and precipitation will be abundant under a current turning cyclonically or moving in a straight line. Clear skies occur where a current of air is moving from the north in a straight line or in an anticyclonically curved path. Also, clear skies are observed in a current of air moving from the south if it is turning sharply anticyclonically. Elongated V-shaped troughs aloft have cloudiness and precipitation in the southerly current in advance of the troughs, with clearing at and behind the trough. These rules also apply in situations where this type of low is associated with frontal situations.
Cellular cloud patterns (open or closed), as shown by satellite imagery, will aid the forecaster in identifying regions of cold air advection, areas of cyclonic, anticyclonic, and divergent wind flow. Open Cellular Cloud Patterns

Open cellular cloud patterns are most commonly found to the rear of cold fronts in cold, unstable air. These patterns are made up of many individual cumuliform cells. The cells are composed of cloudless, or less cloudy, centers surrounded by cloud walls with a predominant ring or U-shape. In the polar air mass, the open cellular patterns that form in the deep, cold air are predominately cumulus congestus and cumulonimbus. The open cells that form in the subtropical high are mainly stratocumulus, cumulus, or cumulus congestus clusters. For open cells to form in a polar high, there must be moderate to intense heating of the air mass from below.

When this polar air mass moves out over the water, the moist layer is shallow and capped by a subsidence inversion near the coast. Further downstream the vertical extent of the moist layer and the height of the clouds increases due to air mass modifications by the underlying surface. In figure 4-8, the open cells behind a polar front over the North Atlantic indicate cold air advection and cyclonic curvature of the low-level wind flow. Vertical thickness of the cumulus at A is small, but increases eastward toward B.


Figure 4-9 shows a large area of the subtropical high west of Peru covered with open cells. These are not associated with low-level cyclonic flow or steady cold air advection.


Jets indicate as much individuality with respect to associated weather as do fronts. Because of the individuality of jetstreams, and also because of the individuality of each situation with respect to humidity distribution and lower level circulation patterns, statistically stated relationships become somewhat vague and are of little value in forecasting.

Questa pagina è stata realizzata da Vittorio Villasmunta

Ultimo aggiornamento: 06/01/15